Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The writing life...

Starts, stops, lulls, creative sparks, flashes of brilliance, rewrites, doubts, re-dedication and determination, and ultimately writing is happening! Book two is in the works, though painfully slower than I'd hoped...but still faster than book one! Loving the continued support of friends, family, readers, and peers!

I have decided to finish writing the complete series and then publish the remaining books back-to-back.  And then it will be on to the next series, a prequel to Celestina Silvenfare: The Legend Begins, featuring all the great aunts in their youth.  

Also hoping to publish a few novellas in between all this series writing and publication.  I have so many fun and interesting characters, I think it will be interesting to let some of them have a few adventures on their own.

It's up to me at this point.  I'm the only one standing in my way.  "Down in front!" 

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